
"ANNE+" is a popular Dutch drama television series that premiered on BNNVARA and 3LAB on September 30, 2018. Set in Amsterdam, the show revolves around the love life of twenty-four-year-old lesbian protagonist, Anne. Created by Maud Wiemeijer, Valerie Bisscheroux, and Hanna van Vliet, and produced by Millstreet Films, the series delves into Anne's journey as she moves into her own place and unexpectedly reunites with her ex-girlfriend, Lily, whom she hasn't seen since their breakup four years ago. Over the course of six episodes in Season 1, the audience learns about Anne's eventful romantic experiences during her time as a student in Amsterdam and how they have shaped her.

Due to the success of Season 1, "Anne+" became available on Netflix and received a second season and a film. Although I was originally approached to be part of the process, I had already embarked on a new career journey at Media.Monks. However, I had the privilege of being on the ANNE+ team from the very beginning. Valerie, the director, and I were classmates at the film academy, and she invited me to join the project. Initially, I worked as a boom operator for the series, and later, I took on the responsibility of sound design for Season 1 at Studio Vermaas in Amsterdam.

Behind the scenes of ANNE +

In this video, Tessa Fransen and myself talk about our experiences as female sound designers on the set of ANNE +


Media.Monks Originals | Mixed Perspectives | 2020