State Of Passion -
State Of Passion - FIFA - DIRECTOR -
This film was made for the FIFA Women's World Cup to highlight how much women’s football has changed in the last ten years. It honors important women in the sport who have faced challenges and continue to inspire players and fans. The film emphasizes that football is for everyone and shows the passion behind the growth of women’s football. Although women's football is becoming more popular globally, it still has lower viewership compared to men's football. FIFA aimed to close this gap and attract new fans, launching a social campaign on International Women's Day. By creating a strong film and tailored content for Facebook and Instagram, FIFA promoted women’s football effectively. The campaign illustrated football as a unifying force that goes beyond gender, sparking a global change in perspective. As one of the co-directors, the challenge was to align the film content with the live action of girls playing football. The film was shared on FIFA's Instagram, which has 18 million followers.